We’re passionate about recycling, we encourage recycling of all waste within the business – from food to packaging. We have a weekly commercial recycling collection, with tracked weighing so we can see how much we are recycling and identify areas for future improvement.

In The Lounge – our private, beautifully refurbished catering suite – we have phased out single-use portions and have switched to jars for tea and coffee. Visitors using our water dispensers benefit from compostable cups rather than plastic. Our staff already use their own drinking glasses. In fact, using the compostable cups is a last resort, and we use glasses wherever possible. The glass bottles and cans from drinks in The Lounge are all recycled too. That said, sometimes the occasional wine bottle ends up as a candle holder.

We also provide reusable containers to staff for lunch leftovers to cut down on foil and cling film.

On top of this, we are currently researching greener washroom and waste services suppliers.

If we have items that we no longer need in our business, we look to sell them on, donate to charity or share through free social media pages. Throwing things away is the very last resort.